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Bring more peace into your life with this beautiful invitation to lead a more contemplative life.

Fixating on a moving screen has become a common way to pass time or wait for the next thing. At the same time, many of us also battle unwanted anxiety or the unrelenting weight of stress in our daily lives. Stress, anxiety, lack of coping skills, and the inability to function at our potential is often related to not giving ourselves enough time to let our brain do it's work of processing and organizing information. Creating space and time for our subconscious mind to surface into our conscious mind is the only way to move out of the toxic cycle and into a journey of growth. When things are left in our subconscious mind, they are hidden, when thoughts and feelings move to our conscious mind, we can manage them.

This little book was created to provide a welcoming place for you to feel inspired to take the time to contemplate and ponder.  It is a replica of my own porch. Looking into the picture, you can probably smell the scents of the flowers, feel the air, hear the birds or a barking dog. More importantly, having this book in your hand will decrease your chances of picking up your phone! The ponderings in this book are ponderings I have had while doing my own porch sitting, and can serve as touch points for you to connect with your own inner thoughts.


To wean yourself from your phone, start slowly by just looking at the pages and feeling the soft buttery texture of the book. Then move at your own pace into picking a page with a carefully crafted contemplation to lead you out of your survival brain and into your cognitive brain. It's painless!Your brain is hardwired to process information, and connect with yourself and others. Why not give it the chance so you can get out of your toxic spin cycles!

Cultivating a contemplative lifestyle is free and is a natural way to bring healing and expedite internal growth. A one time purchase of this carefully crafted book will bring this lifestyle change in reach.

Purchase several copies to keep in your purse or bag, or for your coffee table to inspire lively conversation with friends or family. Where do you depend on your phone to entertain you? Keep a copy of this book there, engage in it regularily, and watch your life turn the corner of experiencing more inner peace

Porch Ponderings: Portable Porch to Inspire Contemplation

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