In the following, number the times you were bothered by these symptoms in the last week. If these symptoms did not occur, leave it blank.
" A little" means low intensity. " A Lot" means high intensity. Numbness or Tingling a little
Numnbess or tingling a lot
Heart ponding or racing a little
Heart ponding or racing a lot
Trembling in body or hands a little
Trembling in body or hands a lot
Experienced indigenstion a little
Experienced indigestion a lot
Hot or cold sweats a little
Hot or cold sweats lot
Faint or lightheaded a little
Faint or lightheaded a lot
Buzzing sensation in body a little
Buzzing sensation in body a lot
Thoughts of hurting myself a little
Thoughts of hurting myself a lot
The feeling of being stuck a little
The feeling of being stuck a lot
Crying out of the blue a little
Crying out of the blue a lot
Anger outbursts (yelling or cursing even under breath) a little
Anger outbursts (yelling or cursing even under breath) a little lot
Thoughts of being punished a little
Thoughts of being punished a lot
Felt like life was hopeless a little
Felt like life was hopeless a lot
Felt like I was the only person who could manage the situation a little
Felt like I was the only person who could manage the situation a lot
Afraid of making a bad or wrong decision a little
Afraid of making a bad or wrong decision a lot
Felt unable to keep up a little
Felt unable to keep up a lot
Felt guilting for not doing better a little
Felt guilty for not doing better a lot
Worried you're going to forget something or be late a little
Worried that you were going to forget something or be late a lot
A tightness in your chest a little
A tightness in your chest a lot
Disappointed in life a little
Disappointed in life a lot
For the last three months I have incorporated something I learned
What information impacted you the most and how have you incorporated it in your professional life?
I would recommend a Vashti's House professional development training